Implemented in partnership with Association for Democracy in the Maldives (ADM), this project aims to:
Conduct an assessment of the implementation of the Right to Information in the Maldives
Observe whether the lived experience of information seekers are in line with the goals of the RTI Act
Conduct a review of the RTI Act of Maldives and provide recommendations for future amendments
The RTI Implementation Assessment methodology developed by the Freedom of Information Advocates Network (FOIAnet) to help civil society organisations to assess the extent to which states have implemented SDG Target 16.10 was used to assess the level of RTI Implementation in Maldives. The methodology reviews three areas for RTI implementation and provides a three-point grade of red (weak), yellow (medium) or green (strong) per area in general, for each state institution assessed:
The RTI implementation mechanisms of the following state institutions were assessed for this study:
Results of the RTI implementation assessment show that institutions received medium-range scores for both their proactive disclosure obligations and institutional measures enacted for the implementation of the RTI Act. Only one of the ten institutions assessed received a weak score in either of the two areas, which indicate that the level of RTI implementation is not low. However, only two institutions received a strong score in either of the two assessed areas, which indicate a need for improvement as well. The weakest of the three areas was found to be proactive disclosure, which reinforces the findings from ADM’s previous study on proactive disclosure obligations of state institutions. The overall final grade for the assessed institutions was medium, with a score of about 60%. Nevertheless, three of the ten institutes assessed received a strong score, with over 70% being scored by two of them. Steps to enhance the national regulatory frameworks on access to information and the effective implementation of those frameworks as part of member states’ 2030 commitment to the SDGs as prompted by the Intergovernmental Council of the International Programme for the Development of Communication (UNESCO, 2022) are necessary to increase the effectiveness of the national mechanisms in the Maldives.